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2021-22 Junior High Clinic Information


  • FRIDAY, FEB. 18

    • Ensemble Seating – 10:00a-10:30a

    • 1st Rehearsal – 10:30a-12:30p

    • Lunch – 12:30-2:00p

    • 2nd Rehearsal – 2:00-5:00p


    • 3rd Rehearsal – 9:00a-12:00p

    • Director’s Meeting – 9:30a (upstairs atrium)

    • Lunch – 12:00p

    • Dress into concert attire – 1:00p

    • Warm-Up – 1:30-2:00p

    • Concerts: Union PAC (free admission)

      • Audience Doors Open at 1:30p

      • 7th Grade – 2:00p

      • 8th/9th Grade Concert Band – 2:30p

      • 8th/9th Grade Symphonic Band – 3:00p



  • Please remind your students to bring pencils to all rehearsals.

  • This may sound too obvious, but please remind your students to bring their NBDA music folder.


All music stands will be provided; no need to bring folding stands.


  • 7th Grade

    • Rehearsal in the large band room (#1613, a.k.a. Band Room #1).

    • Cases will remain in the classroom. Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Alto Sax, and Trumpet Cases may remain under chairs.

    • Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, Tenor Sax, Bari Sax, Horn, Trombone, Euphonium, and Tuba cases may be placed along the right and left perimeter of the rehearsal space.

    • Cases are not allowed to be stored at the back or front of the room, to allow for ample space for the percussionists and for the conductor.

  • 8th-9th Grade Concert Band

    • Rehearsal in the small band room (#1616, a.k.a. Band Room #2).

    • Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Alto Sax, and Trumpet Cases may remain under chairs.

    • Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, Tenor Sax, Bari Sax, Horn, Trombone, Euphonium, and Tuba cases will remain in the hallway adjacent to the rehearsal room; signage will be provided.

  • 8th-9th Grade Symphonic Band

    • Rehearsal on the UPAC Auditorium stage.

    • Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Alto Sax, and Trumpet Cases may remain under chairs.

    • Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, Tenor Sax, Bari Sax, Horn, Trombone, Euphonium, and Tuba cases will be placed in the front two rows of the auditorium audience seating; signage will be provided.

  • Rehearsal spaces are likely to rotate on Saturday. We’ll provide with as much advance notice as possible.


  • Directors should lead their drivers to the SOUTH ENTRY of Union High School, parking along the drive’s curb to unload and load passengers.

  • Buses park in the lot southwest of the UMAC arena (just north of Sam’s Club).


  • Personal vehicles should be parked in the South parking lot. Parking is not permitted on the bus loop or in the northeast lot, as it is currently serving as the temporary bus loop during construction.

  • For the Saturday concerts, parents & spectators will park in the Union High South Main Lot and enter the “South PAC / Gym” doors. Red campus signs will direct campus visitors to this location; please pass along word to the parents of participating students that GPS/Google/Waze mapping is not likely to lead them to this parking lot, so they will need to follow campus signage.

  • Please note that vehicles of any type may NOT be parked in the bus loop at any time.


  • Under the UNION HIGH SCHOOL sign located on the bus loop is a set of glass doors that students and directors may enter. Once you have entered the building, take an immediate left to find the clinic rehearsal rooms.

  • If entering the building at any other time, please plan to do so by way of the Union H.S. South Entry (PAC / Gym) or the Union Collegiate Academy (northeast corner of the building); be prepared to present your ID.

  • Security is fairly tight on campus, and perimeter exterior doors are unlikely to be unlocked; please avoid propping doors for any reason.


All percussion instruments will be provided. Contact Adam Bruce with questions.


Woodland Hills Mall has a large food court. There are also several other local restaurant choices, but Woodland Hills is probably the most convenient choice. Buses should plan to pick up students in the same location as drop-off.


The director’s hospitality room is located in the upper floor Fine Arts Atrium and will have refreshments courtesy of the Union Band Parents Club on Friday (10a-12:30p + 2-4p) and Saturday (breakfast meeting).


• Absence from a full morning or afternoon rehearsal session will result in the automatic termination of the participant. • The ensemble chairman will deal with any absence or substantial tardiness after consultation with the clinician and the students’ band director. The chairman’s decision will be final. • The ensemble chairman will also have the authority and responsibility to lower chair positions and/or remove the student from the band if his/her conduct in any way become a problem. The chairman is expected to support the clinician in matters concerning conduct. • If a student is not able to attend the clinic or concert, please have your director contact the district president and chairperson so an alternate can be contacted. In addition, please send your folder with your director to the clinic for the other players to use. • Student must bring at least one pencil to the rehearsals. • Students must practice all music prior to the clinic.

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