Etudes - Scales - sight reading
DOWNLOAD: 2025-26 OkMEA First Round / NBDA HS Audition Etudes
DOWNLOAD: 2025-26 OkMEA 2nd Round ETUDES
Chromatic Scales
Performing the chromatic scale is required at the NBDA district-level audition.
Major Scales
Major scales are not required at the district-level audition. The scale requirement applies to the OkMEA December/Final Round auditions.
Scales do not have to be memorized.
Students who audition in a finals-only room will play prepared etudes, scales, and sight-reading during the course of their audition.
Students auditioning in a prelim room will play their required etude cuts and scales in the preliminary audition.
Scales are titled using INSTRUMENT KEY rather than concert pitch. Auditioning students will perform any one of four possible sets of scale etudes, each containing two major scales and one chromatic scale.
Students will enter the audition room, draw at random to determine which of the four scale sets is to be played, and perform that set.
Scale Sets
Set 1: A major–Db major–chromatic
Set 2: D major–Gb major–chromatic
Set 3: G major–B major–chromatic
Set 4: C major–E major–chromatic
DOWNLOAD: 2025-26 Scale Sets Packet
Sight-reading is required at both the District/First-Round audition and at the Second-Round audition.
OkMEA Second/Final Rounds
Students auditioning in a prelim room will play their required etude cuts and scales in the preliminary audition. Students advancing to finals will perform only the required etude cuts and sight-reading in their finals audition.
Students who audition in a finals-only room will play scales, prepared etudes, and sight-reading during the course of their audition.
See OkMEA Website for more information
2025 Clinic / Concert
Clinician: Dr. Brad Genevro, Oklahoma State University
Chair: Kevin Speakman, Pryor
Clinician: Dr. Caroline Hand, University of Oklahoma
Chair: Heather Koehn, Bartlesville
Schedule & Location
Fri-Sat. January 10-11, 2025 | Bartlesville High School
Fri-Sat. January 9-10, 2026 | TBA